Currently, the software industries are paying crucial attention towards soft skills at the time of hiring new professionals, so there is a stringent need to enhance the role of the soft-skills in s
Currently, the software industries are paying crucial attention towards soft skills at the time of hiring new professionals, so there is a stringent need to enhance the role of the soft-skills in s
The total population in Vietnam was estimated at 95 million and approximately 40 percent of whom are less than 25 years old.
A Quality Control and Standardization in Printing and Packaging course in Digital Printing and Packaging Technology program, Faculty of Mass Communication Technology at Rajamangala University of Te
The current world education trend is to associate training with scientific research and learning to experience.
Virtual reality (VR) is a method of immersing a person into a virtual environment by using a headset with a screen and lenses to simulate a 3D experience.
The School of Mines and Energy of the Technical University of Madrid is working on the transformation of an educational laboratory on Mining Technology to develop an Innovative Lab in this field.
Earlier studies suggested the Project Management (PM) skills are core to the leadership attributes of engineers.
To successfully implement the CDIO approach in engineering programs, a holistic approach is required, connecting the philosophy of the program with teaching and learning activities in the courses.
Japanese College of Technology (known as “KOSEN”) for engineering education, starting at the age of 15, is a Japan’s original tertiary education school established during rapid economic growth in t
National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Sendai College (Sendai KOSEN) established the educational goal to foster students with global mindset, creativity and GENERIC SKILLs.
In Colombia, poor management of the water resource creates water-related problems.
This study examines methods for imparting first-through-third-grade engineering students in KOSEN (one of the Japanese tertiary educational institutions, the National Institute of Technology, which
We discuss a conceptual thesis structure model and visual tool for enhancing the writing process in the context of an engineering Master’s thesis.
In this work, we aim to evaluate the impact of internships on recent graduates entering the workforce for four UCSC School of Engineering programs.
In this study, we are going to display the result and evaluation of the 1st CDIO summer camp hosted by Feng Chia University in July 2018.
CDIO was born from a recognition that an entirely academic and scientific curriculum and approach does not necessarily deliver graduates able to cope with the much broader personal, interpersonal,
The implementation of a CDIO program depends on the context where it is located as well as the institutional mission and program goals.
The goal of this paper is to assess the effect that the exposure to a service learning project carried out during the first-year Civil Engineering introductory course had on students’ academic moti
An essential activity in curriculum design is to specify the topics of the curriculum and the courses where those topics will be taught.
This article describes the results of well-succeeded design-implement courses developed at the Military Institute of Engineering (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).
Many engineering courses include assignments where students work together in projects.
This study presents an innovative teaching-learning experience, aimed at connecting project-based learning with service learning in the biomedical engineering field.
Students’ engagement is an important factor in students’ success. It refers to the degree of which students are attentive, curious and passionate about their studied subject.
The purpose of the paper is to present how we have improved the quality of technical writing for students in Industrial Design Engineering at Luleå University of Technology.
The paper describes the idea, the process of implementation and the results of a teaching development course for engineering faculty, providing training for engineering students of Siberian Federal
Defining customer needs; considering technology, enterprise strategy, and regulations; developing concepts, techniques and business plans.
Creating the design; the plans, drawings, and algorithms that describe what will be implemented.
The transformation of the design into the product, including manufacturing, coding, testing and validation.
Using the implemented product to deliver the intended value, including maintaining, evolving and retiring the system.