Student Learning and Self-Efficacy in Project-based Learning

Student Learning and Self-Efficacy in Project-based Learning

R. Brennan, R. Hugo, P. Gu (2013).  Student Learning and Self-Efficacy in Project-based Learning. 10.

In this paper we investigate the relationship between student learning and self-efficacy in a multicultural project-based learning course. The study is based on indirect and direct assessments of student learning during a four-week renewable energy practicum at Shantou University. The results show that better alignment is needed between the various forms of assessment used in PjBL courses and the teaching and learning activities associated with the course.

Proceedings of the 9th International CDIO Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 9 – 13, 2013.

Authors (New): 
Robert W Brennan
Ronald J Hugo
Peihua Gu
Shantou University, China
University of Calgary, Canada
Project-Based Learning
Graduate Attributes Assessment
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