Blog posts

Welcome to our 2 new CDIO member schools


After the The CDIO Fall meeting in Portugal, it is our pleasure to inform you that the International CDIO Council has accepted 2 new member of the CDIO Initiative:

FINAL REMINDER: Abstract Submission Deadline for CDIO 2017 – 15 November 2016


Dear Colleagues,

This is the final reminder to submit your 500-word abstracts under the full-paper category for CDIO 2017.  The deadline is midnight 15 November local time. The call for papers and links to the submission system can be found on the conference website under the Authors menu item:

For questions on anything related to the conference, please email info [at] cdio [dot] ca.

Looking forward to seeing you in Calgary next June!

CDIO Faculty Development Course


On October 25th and 26th 2016 one of two CDIO Faculty Development Courses was held at the Department of Product & Production Development at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. The course focused on imparting knowledge about CDIO, and how to integrate innovation, entrepreneurial and business skills in the technical programmes to the participants that are engaged in teaching and development of MSc programmes.

New: CDIO Standards 2.1

Extended deadline for early registration - CDIO Fall meeting


There have been problems with transfers because the Portuguese government changed the account name in mid-September. Because of this the local organization committee have extended the deadline for early registration.


What: The CDIO Fall Meeting 2016,
When: 15-18 November
Where: Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal

Welcome to our 4 new CDIO members


After the The CDIO Annual International Conference in Finland this summer, it is our pleasure to inform you that the International CDIO Council has accepted 4 new member of the CDIO Initiative:

The CDIO 2016 Prodeedings is now available

Get the latest updates from 12th International CDIO Conference


Hi everyone,

If you, for some reason, couldn't attend the 12th International CDIO Conference in Turku but are curious about what happens over there? Join the official CDIO Facebook group: a or search for the hashtag #cdio16 on Twitter to get the latest updates.

Skärmavbild 2016-06-13 kl. 09.17.19.png


The 12th Annual International Conference in Turku is coming up


It was in the fall meeting 2013 in Malaysia when Turku was selected as the host to the CDIO 2016 conference. At first the conference seemed to be far away with plenty of time to prepare, but the closer the actual conference came, the more the pace has increased. However, I am a very lucky person since from the beginning I have had a wonderful group of people working for the conference. We are ready for the show! I want to use this opportunity and thank you all for the work that you have done for the conference without calculating the hours!

A Place to Share Our Expertise...


Welcome to the CDIO Blog!

  • This blog will serve as a place to establish the whole networks expertise in this field. Over time, the blog will be a good demonstration of our knowledge.
  • We will hopefully get to know each other better in the network but most of all, reach out to all of our visitors of the website.
  • In this blog, we will publish CDIO related content in a personal way from different perspectives (Teachers, CDIO members, Students etc.)


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