A support program for project-based active and blended learning

A support program for project-based active and blended learning

L. Dewulf, A. Janssens, J. Monbaliu, B. Van de Walle1 (2008).  A support program for project-based active and blended learning. 8.

To facilitate educational changes, the K.U.Leuven Association has selected a support program in order to develop practical scripts for the implementation of a digital learning environment (Toledo, based on Blackboard) as a significant innovative educational tool. Toledo enables us to implement computer supported collaborative learning. In a first pilot cooperation between the master students of Applied Sciences and Engineering of the K.U.Leuven and the master students of Applied Engineering of the KHBO is set up. Students are introduced in projectbased active and blended learning in heterogeneous teams. They have to carry out an authentic engineering task, i.e. designing the (planned) harbor breakwater in Oostende. The main aim is to actively develop and train the students in competences which play currently a prominent role in the field of engineering education.

This paper focuses upon both the support program and the set-up phase of the cooperation project. At the CDIO conference 2008, they will present the evaluation outcome. 

Authors (New): 
L. Dewulf
A. Janssens
J. Monbaliu
B. Van de Walle1
KU Leuven, Belgium
Project-Based Learning
digital learning environment
Engineering education
active students
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