Implementation and Efficacy of Active Learning Strategies in Engineering Mathematics

Implementation and Efficacy of Active Learning Strategies in Engineering Mathematics

C. McCartan, J. Hermon (2009).  Implementation and Efficacy of Active Learning Strategies in Engineering Mathematics. 13.

An engineering mathematics module has been developed and implemented to promote deeper learning using the CDIO methodology. It conforms to several CDIO Standards and also seeks to develop personal, interpersonal and professional skills through an extensive active and interactive learning paradigm. This paper discusses the content, pedagogy and efficacy of the module in relation to student motivation, engagement and attainment. It is shown that such an approach is successful in this regard. 

Authors (New): 
Charles McCartan
John Paul Hermon
Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Engineering Mathematics
active and interactive learning
computer assisted assessment (CAA)
computer aided learning (CAL)
web-based learning
virtual learning environment (VLE)
Helping Engineers Learn Mathematics (HELM)
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